enrollment steps

IT – Software Development Course

Learn Online

Steps To Enroll In The Course

Step 1: Visit https://icanntutorials.classtrack.com.

Step 2: Click on the “Enroll” button.

Step 3: Input your Full Name and Email Address in the space provided. Click on the “Get Verification Code” button.

Step 4: Retrieve the verification code from you email and enter it in the space provided. Then click on the “verify” button to access your dashboard. (Note if verification code cannot be found in primary inbox go to the spam folder).

Step 5: Select “Dashboard” and locate the “Software Development Course”. Click on “Enroll” to get enrolled into the course.

Step 6: Make payment for the course. Visit www.icanntechs.com/payments for the steps to make payment.

Call: 0543434937/0551282588/0279660288 for more information on classroom and one-on-one tutorials